I often find that I'm not what people expect and I don't fit well into the boxes they try to force me into. I am an individual with a very unique automotive background that spans from passenger cars to heavy duty over-the-road trucking to motorcycles and ranges from design engineering to service & repair. The career path I have chosen provides me with tremendous knowledge and experience that enables my success in circumnavigating technical obstacles through both interpersonal and interdepartmental engagement.
I have spent time in several different auto repair shops and have been subjected to a gamut of both effective and inferior car repair & business practices, more so the latter. As my experience and attentiveness grew, so did my vexation with the various poor business practices that seem to plague all repair facilities. Since even the most prestigious, and nationally recognized, shops were unable to meet my standards, I decided to venture it on my own.
Throughout my career, I have also interfaced with innumerable individuals who perform only to a level of "good enough". Over the years, my disdain for "good enough" behavior has grown emphatically.
My motivation and drive is both unapologetically, and unwaveringly, directed towards that pinnacle balance of customer and business success and growth.
Why does any of that stuff matter and how is it in any way relevant to you, the customer? When you take my experience and tailor it with my motivation, my drive, and my integrity, you get someone who doesn't fit into a box. Opening Keeney Auto & Diesel, LLC was one of the most intimidating steps I have taken. Nonetheless, it is time for the service and repair bar to be raised, and since no one else seems to be doing it, I will.
To most, I'm nobody. To some, I'm a frustrating nonconformer. To you, I'm just a small business owner intent on building a business of integrity and accountability. To me, I'm just a dude chasing his dreams, but, I am also the change I want to see in the world; I am Keeney.
I could go on for days with regard to the shortcomings of auto repair facilities or how frustrating it can be to deal with them. The lack of customer communication, transparency, accountability, and general integrity is sometimes nothing short of staggering.
I've been in your shoes. When my formal automotive education began in 2004, I was frequently at the mercy of car repair facilities that possessed the expensive tools and equipment required to perform various services. Despite my attempts to provide ample information, build rapport, and document very specific requests concerning the repair process, these repair facilities would continually operate autonomously as if I never existed. That is, until it came time to pay the bill, then somehow I was the only person on planet earth that they wanted to speak to.
I will never forget the time I brought my car in to have it diagnosed and nothing more. At the time, I was looking for every ounce of experience I could find. So when my car exhibited an issue that I was unable to diagnose, I requested the repair facility to diagnose it and allow me to perform the repair on my own. This would have benefited me in 2 ways. First, I wouldn't have to pay the extra labor cost of repair. Second, I would get the highly sought after experience of working on my own vehicle and seeing the result firsthand. When the repair facility called me to tell me that my car was fixed and ready to go, I felt as if all the wind had been stolen from my sails, and my wallet.
Why does my story matter? Over the years, I have experienced innumerable occasions of repair facilities verbalizing one thing and then executing something completely different. I have watched customers give specific requests that repair facilities completely ignore. These insufferable experiences have driven me to position of unparalleled customer transparency. This isn't just about fixing cars anymore; this about being a respectable human being with real consideration given to the client base.
There has never been a market, let alone a flooded one, of truly capable and accountable automotive repair businesses, until now. This is my business.
Keeney Auto & Diesel, LLC
[2023 - present]
Keeney Industries, LLC
[2018 - 2023]
Stellantis (formerly FCA US LLC; formerly Chrysler Group LLC): Transmission Calibration Engineer
[2021 - 2023]
Stellantis (formerly FCA US LLC; formerly Chrysler Group LLC): Diesel Calibration Engineer
[2018 - 2021]
Stellantis (formerly FCA US LLC; formerly Chrysler Group LLC): Diesel Calibration Quality Engineer
[2015 - 2018]
Stellantis (formerly FCA US LLC; formerly Chrysler Group LLC): Reliability Quality Engineer
[2012 - 2015]
The Farmington Garage
[2017 - 2018]
Sears Auto Center
[2016 - 2017]
Greg's Truck Service
[2009 - 2010]
Curry Ice And Coal
[2007 - 2008]
Sears Auto Center
[2006 - 2007]
ASE Certifications
United States EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Michigan Department of State Mechanic Certifications - Automobile & Light Truck
Michigan Department of State Mechanic Certifications - Heavy Duty Truck
Michigan Department of State Mechanic Certifications - Other
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
[2008 - 2011]
Lincoln Land Community College
[2006 - 2008]
Capital Area Career Center
[2004 - 2006]